Experience my experience….
Celebrating 30 years in practice, learning every day!
Who is Wisehands?
Carol Kane Neilson CMT
Carol Kane Neilson has been living the life of a full time massage therapist since 1991. However, if you ask anyone who knew her as a kid, she’s been working with bodies much longer than that. She trained as an elite alpine ski racer at Burke Mountain Academy, and raced her bicycle in the summers when she wasn’t skiing somewhere. Both of those worlds provided lots of sore bodies to work with, and she seized those opportunities.
Carol is a 1991 honors graduate of the Boulder College of Massage Therapy, and has been in full time practice since then. She brings an extensive knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and kinesiology to her table, as well as her significant selection of massage techniques. She specializes in treatment based therapeutic massage, including pain relief, postural analysis, and neuromuscular techniques. She has extensive training in sports injury and rehabilitation, as well as specialized training for cancer patients.
Carol practices massage in accordance with the code of ethics of the American Massage Therapy Association and good health practices. She is happy to consult with medical doctors, chiropractors, physical therapists, and personal trainers.
Carol lives on her small farm with her dogs, horses, cats and chickens. In her spare time she retrains horses off the track for new jobs, works in her garden and loves to cook. And there are always puppies!

Why get a massage? To feel better, of course. But there is more….
Beyond simply “feeling good,” massage has an impressive range of therapeutic effects and benefits, many of which have been documented in research conducted in the US, Europe and Asia. With a variety of hands-on methods, a skilled massage therapist not only stretches and loosens muscle and connective tissue, but also greatly improves blood flow to the heart and the movement of lymph fluid throughout the body. The therapist’s hands speed the removal of metabolic waste products resulting from exercise or inactivity, allowing more oxygen and nutrients to reach the cells and tissues. Sensory receptors in skin and muscle “wake up,” bringing new awareness to areas that have felt “cut off” by chronic tension patterns. In addition, massage can stimulate the release of endorphines - the body’s natural painkillers - into the brain and nervous system. All of this translates into an amazing number of tangible results:
Deep relaxation and stress reduction
relief of muscle tension and stiffness
greater joint flexibility
reduced blood pressure
improved posture
relief from tension headaches
faster healing time from muscle pulls and strains
strengthened immune system.
Let’s meet up in real life to share in the beauty of the natural world and have you experience my massage.
Please sign up so I can keep you posted on all excitement on the farm, and in my Wisehands practice